
Bird News Tuesday 2nd April.

2 Sandwich Terns were at Drains Bay and at least three were at Glynn this afternoon. The Pink-footed Goose was also still at Glynn.(Adam McClure)

Scandinavian Rock Pipit at Whitehead - present this afternoon in small bay north of the 'Wrens Eggs' - area locally called Port Davey(I.Enlander)

A Med Gull is still at Carrickfergus Co.Antrim leisure centre ponds today. Is calling and displaying to the Black headed Gulls (see photo below)  26 Waxwing were at Sainsburys car park again today.(Paul McCullough)

A Chiffchaff was singing at Kiltonga in Newtownards (Margaret Adamson).

9 Long-tailed Duck, 3 Sandwich Tern and 39 Pale-bellied Brent were at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).

Six Sandwich Terns at Rossglass and 70+ Golden Plover (many in summer plumage) in Killough harbour.(Richard Gowen)

3 Wheatear, a female Merlin and amongst the Greylag six had orange neck rings they were at Emerson's sand quay. Co Armagh. this project is a joint WWT/Icelandic Institute of Natural History/Highland Ringing Group project (Ed.O'Hara)

To-days pics have been kindly sent in by(from the top) Paul McCullough of the Med. Gull at Carrick, notice the all white primaries a good feature when trying to pick it out from Black-headed Gulls. Alistair Prentice for this great shot of a Chaffinch in flight.
Dave Hill for the Redwing, still a few being reported around the country.  Ed O'Hara showing Greylag Geese with orange neck  rings  . Finally to Michael Burrows   who took this bizarre looking Blackbird through his phone. 


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