
Bird News Tuesday 30th April

The White-tailed Sea Eagle was seen near Capanagh again this morning (Neal Warnock).

A Spotted Redshank in partial breeding plumage was in the RSPB Nature Conservation Area, Harbour Estate this morning (Chris Sturgeon)

An osprey spent an hour last Saturday afternoon fishing in Goblusk Bay, Lower Lough Erne (Dr. Hutchinson via Brad Robson).

This morning at Killard there were 3 pairs of Wheatear, 10+ Whimbrel and a White Wagtail (Norma Perceval-Price).

Adult Little Gull, Greenshank, Little Egret, 32 Common Tern, 144 Black-tailed Godwit and a White Wagtail at Collector's Bay, Quoile this afternoon (Chris Murphy).

A Common Sandpiper was at Murlough (Shelagh Henry).

The first 2 Swift of the year were at Roe Valley Hospital (David McCool)
14 Waxwing were at Wyncairn in Larne (Betty Foster).
136 Pale-bellied Brent were along the Outer Ards including 52 south of Ballyhalbert. 2 Whimbrel were south of Portavogie and 20 Sandwich Tern on Cockle Island (Margaret Adamson)
A Red Kite with a red wing-tag on the right wing was at Capanagh (Cameron Moore).
Yesterday, 3 Waxwing spent the day at New Mossley in Newtownabbey (Ken Moore) and 2 Gadwall and 10 Hooded Crow were at Portmore Lough, with 100 Pied Wagtail roosting in the reed bed to the right of the hide (Mark Smyth).

Lower lough Erne Islands RSPB reserve in land-locked Fermanagh this morning had 1 adult Pale- bellied Brent, 1 Turnstone, 1 Ringed Plover, 74 Black-tailed Godwit, 73 Whimbrel, 52 White Wagtail and 2 Sandwich Tern back at the breeding site (Brad Robson)

Five swift were flying around The Mall, Armagh (Alistair Prentice)
35-40 Brent, 8 Mallard, 4 Shelduck, 8 Oystercatcher, 2 Redshank, 10 Ringed Plover, 2 Eider and 25-30 Turnstone were at Carnlough (Mervyn Campbell).
Many thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the image of the Raven at Scrabo, Tony for the Grey Heron at Quoile and Neal Warnock for the image of the WTSE - you can see more images at NI Bird Pics.

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