
Bird News Saturday 11th May

1 female Marsh Harrier, 1 drake Garganey, 15 Whimbrel at Portmore Lough (Ed O'Hara).

70 Sandwich Tern, 60 Whimbrel, 57 Manx Shearwater, a Tufted Duck and a Great-northern Diver were off Ramore Head, Co. Antrim this morning. Male Garganey, 1st summer Iceland Gull, 24 White Wagtails at Bann Estuary (Neal Warnock).

2 Great Skuas, one chasing the other, flew past Briggs Rocks (Colin Guy).

A summer-plumage Knot, 17 Bar-tailed Godwit, a Whimbrel and a second-year Ring-billed Gull were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon. The Ring-billed was later seen at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee).

37 Brent and 3 Whimbrel were at Dundrum Inner Bay South (Adam McClure).

At Malin Head in Donegal there were 70 Whimbrel, 8 Chough, 2 Whitethroat, 1 Great Northern Diver in summer plumage, 40+ Wheatear and 3 White Wagtails (Christine Cassidy and Theo Campbell).

Thanks to Ed for the shot of the Marsh Harrier and Christine for the Wheatear photo. You can see more images at

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