
Bird News Saturday 4th May

Drake Lesser Scaup back at Lough Shark (Joe Devlin)

Yellow Wagtail was seen again at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve (James Robinson).

A Spotted Redshank, Med Gull, 11 White Wagtail and 6 Wheatear at also present at RSPB Belfast Harbour. Ring Billed Gull at Kinnegar shore and a Reed Warbler was at Kinnegar reedbed (Stuart McKee).

A Curlew Sandpiper, Pink-footed Goose, 2 White-fronted Geese, 9 Scaup, 260+ Whimbrel and 90 White Wagtail were at Inch, Co. Donegal (Brad Robson).

25 Whimbrel and 4 White Wagtail were at Portballintrae (Simon Morton).

Six flocks of Whimbrel totalling over 100 birds heading southwards along the River Bann during dawn chorus walk this morning. Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Siskin and a reeling Grasshopper Warbler also seen/heard (Coleraine RSPB Group).

c50 Golden Plover, many in summer plumage, were on the meadows at Portmore Lough and a pair of Gadwall were showing well to the right of the hide (Adam McClure)

Approx 100 Brent Geese, dozens of Willow Warbler and 5 Whitethroat were at Murlough, Co. Down (Alistair Prentice).

3 Raven were at Scrabo and a Sparrowhawk was at Dundonald (Stephen Maxwell).

Yesterday a Barn Owl was at Camowen in Tyrone (Mark Smyth).

Thank you to Stuart for sending through a photo of the Ring-billed Gull and Spotted Redshank, to Joe for the images of the Lesser Scaup and to Alistair for his photo of a colour-ringed Brent at Dundrum Bay.

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