
Bird News Thursday 16th May

The Tawny Owl is once again calling to-night, 19.45 to be precise (Wilton Farrelly / Stephen Miller)

The 2 Marsh Harrier were still at Portmore Lough (Colin Bell).

Last night the Tawny Owl was calling at 10pm and ceased calling at 10.25pm, presumably to start hunting (Chris Murphy)

Also last night, the Corncrake was heard again at Coney Island. Coming from the direction of Killough the Corncrake is calling beside the road c.400m before Coney Island. (Chris Murphy)

2 singing Garden Warblers were at Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve (Brad Robson)

A Spotted Flycatcher was seen this morning at Stenson's Lock, Newry Canal. Just north of Newry.(F.Carroll)

A roosting Long-eared Owl and singing Grasshopper Warbler were in a young plantation of native trees, near Brookeborough, Co Fermanagh. (John Young)

A Roseate Tern was at Briggs this morning feeding for 20 minutes (Colin Guy)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this picture of a Willow Warbler:

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