
Bird News Tuesday 14th May

A Tawny Owl was at Castle Ward today - see details below. (Craig Nash).

The Montagu's Harrier was still at Lough Cowey, see pictures below, a Little Gull was also present. (Craig Nash/Sam Scott).

A first-summer Mediterranean Gull was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee).  

A Barn Owl was seen in the late afternoon at Tunny House along Feumore Road near Portmore Lough (Paul Toner).

2 Wheatear and a Shelduck were at the Commons in Donaghadee this morning. (David McCormick).

A single Waxwing was in a garden in Bushmills today. (Angela Willis).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Noel Austin for the picture of the breeding Common Terns at Oxford Island, to Mark Killops for the picture of the male Blackcap also taken at Oxford Island and to David Hill for the picture of the summer plumaged Great Northern Diver taken near Malin Town in Co. Donegal. You can see more NI bird pictures at

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