
Bird News Wednesday 8th May

A Barn Owl was seen last night near Hillhead, Castledawson (via Mark Smyth).

A first-summer Ring-billed Gull and a first-summer Mediterranean Gull were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon. A different first-summer Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee).

A Long-eared Owl was heard calling on the Moss Road, near Ballycopeland Windmill in Millisle at about midnight last night (David McCormick).

A Grey Wagtail was at Anderson Park, Coleraine (Lynette McLean).

Late news from last night, 1 Kingfisher and 3 Sand Martin at Augher River Walk, Augher (Colin Bell) and at Killard there was a Whitethroat, 4 Wheatear, 8 Whimbrel and a skua, possibly Long-tailed, chasing terns (Angus Kennedy).

Big news in the South, 2 pairs of White-tailed Eagle have managed to hatch chicks. This is the first time wild WTE chicks have hatched on the island of Ireland in 110 years.

Many thanks to Alistair Prentice for the shot of a displaying Pied Wagtail and to Noel Austin for the displaying Willow Warbler.

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