
Bird News Monday 17th June

Late news from yesterday was of a Red Grouse at Llendrum Wind Farm near Fivemiletown. (Colin Bell).

A Grey Wagtail, 20/30 Turnstone and 10/15 Goldfinch were at Camphill Community near Craigavad (Warren Rainey).

2 drake Wigeon were at Briggs Rocks. (Colin Guy). 

Thanks to today's photographers, to Tony Donaldson for the Swallow picture, to Stephen Maxwell for the Sedge Warbler picture, to Alistair Prentice for the Wllow Warbler picture, to Mark McConnell for the Black-headed Gull picture, to Mervyn Campbell for the Guillemot picture and to David Hill for the Blackbird picture. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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