
Bird News Sunday 16th June

A Roseate Tern was at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (James Robinson).

The Tawny Owl was calling at Castle Ward at 18:40pm. (Keith Bennett)

A Whooper Swan was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve, see picture below. (Ed O'Hara).

A Cuckoo was calling at Murlough. (Alistair Prentice).

A Garden Warbler was 300m south of the old fort at Mountsandel near Coleraine (Richard Hoy).   

A Turnstone, Whimbrel and Pale-bellied Brent were at Briggs Rocks near Groomsport (Colin Guy).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Ed O'Hara for these pictures of the Whooper Swan and a Sedge Warbler both taken at Portmore and to Lilian Cummings for the picture of the young Swallows.


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