
Bird News Tuesday 4th June

The Cattle Egret was in the trees on the island in the middle of Hillsborough Lake before flying off. (Lindsay Hodges).

A Garden Warbler and 2 Spotted Flycatcher were at the east end of Rathlin Island (seen near the last house garden before East Lighthouse). A Chiffchaff was calling at the south end (Colin Guy).

Late news from yesterday was of a summer plummaged Great Northern Diver at Dunree in Lough Swilly. (Boyd Bryce).

Also yesterday a late female Wheatear spent the day in a garden in Brookborough, Co. Fermanagh. (John Young).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Ian Jackson for the picture of the Rock Pipit, to Alex Coroliu for the pictures of the Great Crested Grebe and the Gadwall, to Margaret Adamson for the picture of the Common Tern and to Alistair Prentice for the picture of the Goldfinch. You can see more NI bird pictures at

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