
Bird News Wednesday 12th June

A Jay was seen and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers heard calling at Cnocnafeola Wood near Attical in Co. Down. (Mark Speers). 

Yesterday afternoon a large flock of Manx Shearwaters were close in shore at Carrickfergus. (Roger Woodward).

A Buzzard was flying over Lady Dixon Park in Belfast this morning, and another was perched on a street lamp along the A513, just north west of Lisburn. (Robert Scott).

Yesterday a female Eider was in the inner harbour at Killough. (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Tom McCreery for the pictures of the Cuckoo and the first Whitethroat, to Ed O'Hara for the Whinchat pictures, to James Gillespie for the Sparrowhawk picture, to Stephen Maxwell for the Sedge Warbler picture, to David Hill for the pictures of the second Whitethroat and the Linnet, to Mervyn Campbell for the Willow Warbler picture and to Tony Donaldson for the picture of the Rock Pipit. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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