
Bird News Sunday 14th July

1 Roseate Tern was at RSPB Belfast Lough this morning. (Keith Bennett).

This afternoon RSPB Belfast Lough reserve had an adult Little Gull, summer plumaged Knot and 6 Common Sandpipers. (Garry Armstrong).

A female Ring-necked Duck was on the east side of Mullagh, Lough Beg this morning. (David Steele).

Thanks to today's photographers, to David Steele for the picture of the female Ring-necked Duck, to Noel Austin for the pictures of the Stonechat and the Sand Martin nestlings, to Martina Boyle for the picture of the Rock Pipit, to Ian Jackson for the picture of Sand Martin in flight, to Paul McCullough for the picture of the Eider ducklings and to Noeni Bryars for the picture of the Black Guillemot in Annalong harbour. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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