
Bird News Sunday 21st July

An adult Pectoral Sandpiper is at Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve. (Jeff Larkin).

The female Ring-necked Duck is still at The Mullagh, Lough Beg. (David Steele).

A Pomarine Skua was at Killard this evening. (Craig Nash).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Stuart McKee for the Pectoral Sandpiper picture, to Craig Nash for the Pomarine Skua picture, to Zach McCreery for the Reed Warbler picture, to Martina Boyle for the picture of the Chough, to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull with colour ring 32LU and the Common Sandpiper and to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the Razorbill and Guillemot and the Peregrine from yesterday's boat trip around Rathlin. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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