
Bird News Sunday 7th July.

A Little Gull was at Bann Estuary (Jeff Larkin).

The Cattle Egret was still at Lifford in Co. Donegal, see pictures below. (Christine Cassidy & Theo Campbell).

At Whitehead this morning 1000+ Manx Shearwater were actively feeding with a few Gannet off shore, also present were 6 Harbour Porpoise and 1 Minke whale. The Manxies continued to feed throughout the day with up to 100 Gannets and this evening 2 Minke Whales were present. (Ian Enlander).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Cattle Egret, to Alistair Prentice for the pictures of the Puffin and the Marsh Fritillary, to Adam Middleton for the pictures of the Sand Martin and the Gannet, to Tom McCreery for the picture of the Linnet and to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Whitethroat. You can see more NI bird pictures at

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