
Bird News Friday 2nd August

Late news from 1st August was a probable 1st summer Forsters Tern on Copeland Bird Observatory. Also another Balearic yesterday. Today 34 Greylag Geese were roosting on Mew this evening. (Kerry Leonard)

The adult Little Gull, 285 Dunlin, 6 Ringed Plover and 40 Black-tailed Godwit were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Dot Blakely).

A pair of Stonechat, 2 Yellowhammer and 40 Goldfinch were at Camphill Community at Cultra (Warren Rainey).

Melmore Co.Donegal this morning in strong southerlies, over 2 hours, had c700 Manxies in several rafts offshore, holding one each of Sooty and Balearic Shearwaters. Also 55 Arctic Terns, a Bonxie and 100 Kittiwakes(Oscar Campbell)

Our thanks to David Hill for this photo of a Chough(taken in Co.Donegal) To Christine Cassidy for the pic of a Buzzard currently visiting her garden. Finally to Mervyn Campbell for the Long-tailed Tit. 



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