
Bird News Monday 12th August

The Blackstaff River, Dundrum had a Green Sandpiper  6 Little Egrets, 37 Greenshank 146 Redshank, 5 Common Sandpiper, I Ruff  and 2 Grey Heron.(Craig Nash)

Bloody Foreland this morning had 2 Corys, 62 Sooty Shearwaters, 281 Manx, 2 Storm Petrels, 10 Bonxies, 10 Pomarine Skua and 11 Arctic Skuas in a 3hr seawatch (Chris Ingram)

A Red Kite was along the A2 south of Clough (Derek Polley)

107 Sandwich Tern (one with a red ring), 3 Arctic Tern and 7 Common Tern were at Whitehead at low tide (Cameron Moore)

Yesterday 70 Mediterranean Gull and 3 juveniles were at Sandycove in Dublin (Gerard McGeehan)

Our thanks to Craig Nash for this fine photograph of a Common Sandpiper at the Blackstaff river.  David Hill for this  photo of a Grey Wagtail.

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