
Bird News Sunday 4th August

An adult Little Gull, a single Whimbrel, 3 Common Sandpipers and 300+ Dunlin were at RSPB Belfast Harbour (James Robinson)

Melmore Head over the last 2 days had:
Saturday 3rd: 2 hours from 1700: 400 Manx, 1 Balearic and 6 Sooty Shearwaters, 1 Puffin.
Sunday 4th: 2 hours from 0700: 300 Manx and 5 Sooty Shearwaters, 10 Storm Petrels, 2 Puffins, 25 Arctic Terns, 3 Bonxies, 2 Red-throated Diver, 17 Whimbrel, 1 Peregrine. (Oscar Campbell)

The female Ring-necked Duck was still at Mullagh at the south end of Lough Beg (David Steele)

The two Little Gulls were seen together this afternoon at RSPB Belfast Harbour (George Gordon)

A Whimbrel was at the Sheepland coast, Co Down, this morning (Ron Price)

Magilligan Point to-day had 60 Sandwich Terns,45 sanderling 2 Grey Heron and 17 Ringed Plover (Charles Stewart)

Thanks to Christine Cassidy, Dermot McLaughlin & Brian Heagarty for this pic of a Long Eared Owl on Inishowen. 

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