
Bird News Thursday 15th August

Three Sabine Gulls (two adult and a juvenile) were seen from a boat 5 miles north of Portrush this morning. Also 18 Storm Petrels were seen (Birdguides)

A brown coloured leucistic Carrion Crow with whitish wing feathers was on the shore at Groomsport today.(Robert Scott)

A juvenile Ruff and Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (George Gordon)

Yesterday a Dipper and Kingfisher (the first noted there in some years) were along the Derriaghy River in the centre of Dunmurry (Chris Acheson).

Thanks to Gareth McDonald for these pics of a Long Eared Owl from his garden in Newry. Also to Ian Jackson for the this flight shot of a Swift.


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