
Bird News Tuesday 6th August

The female Ring-necked Duck was still at Lough Beg (Jeff Larkin)

Portmuck, Co Anrrim had a dark phase Arctic Skua harassing Kittiwakes (Ian Enlander)

2 Red-throated Divers flew past Briggs Rocks this morning (Colin Guy)

2 Mediterranean Gull (adult and second-winter), 3 Greenshank, a juvenile Wheatear and a Snipe were at Mill Bay on Island Magee (Cameron Moore)

6 Manx Shearwaters were flying in Belfast Lough this evening, near RSPB Harbour Reserve (Robert Scott)

Thanks to Margaret Adamson for the pic of a juvenile Starling, presumably with pollen staining and Dessie Loughrey for the Jay. You can see more bird pics at

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