
Bird News Friday 13th September

25 Whooper Swans just flew over Prehen Park, Waterside, Londonderry heading in the direction of Inch Wildlife Reserve, Inishowen, Co Donegal. (Christine Cassidy).

A Little Gull and a dark phase Arctic Skua were at Kinnegar Shore, Belfast. (Wilton Farrelly).

A Little Stint was at RSPB Harbour Reserve this morning. (Chris Surgeon).

 2 Little Stint, a Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Ruff were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Gerard McGeehan).

150 Pale-bellied Brent flew over Bangor Marina where 2 Mediterranean Gull (adult and first-winter) were present (Sean Minns).

 2 juvenile Curlew Sandpipers were at Ardilea,  Dundrum Inner Bay North, this morning. (David Nixon/Philip McHaffie).

Whitehead had a Greenland Wheatear and 30 Sandwich Terns with 500+ Brent Geese flying past towards Co. Down. (Ian Enlander).

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for this picture of a Grey Heron.


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