
Bird News Tuesday 17th September

A Yellow Wagtail was showing well at Kinnegar shore at 2pm (David Nixon/Phillip McHaffie)

3 Ruff were at the RSPB Belfast Harbour Estate reserve.

St John's Point between 10.00-10.30 had 3 Red-throated Diver, 1 Purple Sandpiper, 400Kittiwake, 1 Stock Dove, 100 Swallow a Sand Martin with a strong noticeable movement of Meadow Pipit. Killough Harbour this evening had 24 Grey Heron, 4 Little Egret, 8 Sandwich Tern and 2 Red-breasted Mergansers.(Chris Murphy)

At Lough Beg a late Swift was at Mullagh and 9 Pink-footed Geese were seen flying south.(David Steele)

 Our thanks to Alan Gallagher for pics of the Yellow Wagtail: Also to David Hill for the Curlew Sandpiper and Dunlin.(The Curlew Sandpiper is the bottom right hand bird)

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