
Bird News Tuesday 24th September

On Sunday at Burial Island between 11.30 and 12.00 3 Great Skua and 10 Red-throated Diver. At Ballyquintin Point yesterday were a Whitethroat, a Whimbrel, 9 Red-throated Diver and 8 Scoter. (Richard Weyl)

Around Larne Lough 1 Little Stint a Sanderling,7 Dunlin, 3 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge and 11 Greenshank, 5 Little Egret a Whimbrel and 7 Snipe at Glynn.(Cameron Moore)

A Ruff was at the Quiole pondage and yesterday a 1st winter Little Gull and ad Med Gull at Killough Harbour. (Tim Murphy)

The Ring-billed Gull has once again returned to East Strand car park in Portrush.(Colin Guy)

Slightly further afield...Tory Island had a good haul with 2 Yellow broweds, 2Turtle Doves a Rosefinch, 2 Garden Warblers, 2 Pied Flys, a Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff. (Davy Hunter)

Much further afield.... For those of you who are just returning from the Wilson's Warbler on Dursey Island, stop, do a u-turn and head to Inishboffin Co Galway were an Eastern Kingbird has been found only the second ever to be seen in the Western Palearctic.   

If you are interested in photographing Hares, you may be interested in this event at Portmore:

Thanks to Mark Killops for this wonderful pic of a Dunlin. Also to Colin Bell for this pic of a very friendly Coal Tit!

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