
Bird News Monday 8th October

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was at Lagan Meadows, Belfast (Lindsay Hodges)

The Crane was still at the Roe Estuary at Myroe this afternoon (Paul Scott)

A late Willow Warbler was at Slieve Gullion Co Armagh this morning (Frank Carroll)

The juvenile Little Stint was still at Sandy Bay in Larne and 7 Little Egret, 6 Greenshank and 2 female Pintail at Glynn (Cameron Moore)

Late news for yesterday, 28 Barnacle geese flew past Ramore Head in the morning and another 10 past Dunseverek in the afternoon (Colin Guy)

Also yesterday, the Little Stint was still at Sandy Bay, Larne. Today the juvenile Little Stint was still at Sandy Bay in Larne and 7 Little Egret, 6 Greenshank and 2 female Pintail at Glynn (Cameron Moore).
Thanks to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the Great-spotted Woodpecker, Cameron Moore for the picture of the Little Stint and Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Brent Geese:


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