
Bird News Saturday 26th October

A juvenile Bairds Sandpiper was showing well at the east end of Ballyhiernan Beach, Fanad, Co Donegal. (Wilton Farrelly).

10 Whooper Swans passed over Cairncastle yesterday heading south. (David Ledsham).

The hybrid Ring-billed Gull was at Millisle and an adult Mediterranean Gull at Ganaway. At Burial Island were 3 Great Northern Diver. At Cloughy 5 Sandwich Tern.  At Templecowey 2 Chiffchaff.  At Ballyquintin Point 5 Great Northern Diver and 2 Sandwich Tern. A Merlin south of Gransha Point. 2 Jack Snipe at Portavogie.(Richard Weyl)

2 Slavonian Grebe where at Greyabbey Bay south. Agnew's Hill Co Antrim had 1 Snow Bunting, 2 Red Grouse and 100 Golden Plover.(Keith Bennett)

Staying in Co.Donegal Inch lough had a 1st winter Med.Gull, 1 juv Glaucous Gull, and a Ruff. Blanket Nook had a Green-winged Teal and 19 Pink-footed Geese.(Brad Robson

600 Whooper Swans with 20 Greylag and 4 Pink-feet at Carrowmuddle, Myroe. 
6 Barnacle Geese, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 20 Golden Plover, Dunlin, 3 Greenshank at Myroe Levels. 60 Brent at Roe Estuary, 3 Little Egrets,1 female Red Breasted Merganser, a Gannet and 8-10 Common Scoter on the Foyle off the Roe estuary.
1 Barn Owl at Carrowreagh. It flew into a derelict building. 1 Buzzard at a farm in the same area seen about 2 hours earlier.(Bert Montgomery, Bangor RSPB group)

A hybrid goose resembling a blue phase Snow Goose is at Inch Levels Co Donegal.(Christine Cassidy)

The Baird's Sandpiper picture is by Wilton Farrelly. Thanks to David Morrow for the Curlew picture, to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the hybrid goose at Inch Levels to Noel Austin for the first Whooper Swan picture and to Ed O'Hara for the second Whooper Swan picture.


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