
Bird News Sunday 20th October

3 Ravens were at Richhill, Co. Armagh this morning. (Andrew Poots).

A Little Egret was at the bridges at Strand Lough (Declan Clarke).

In Newcastle at the Shimna River outlet just after high tide (15:00) - 250c Kittiwake with very few immature, 50c Knot, 28 Sanderling, 5 Ringplover. Later at Millbay Carlingford the albino Oystercatcher was showing. (Fulton Somerville & Janet McKevitt).

Yesterday 13 Sandwich Tern were at Portaferry. (John Foster).

At Blanket Nook in Donegal there was a Green-winged Teal, Russian White-fronted Goose and 6 Pink-footed Geese. (Aidan Kelly).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Alistair Prentice for the picture of a Redwing, to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Linnets, to Andrew Poots for the picture of the Raven and to Kay Wheeler for the pictures of the Grey Wagtail and Black-tailed Godwit.


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