
Bird News Thursday 10th October

We have received in a credible report of a possible Great White Egret seen at Culmore Point, Derry. It is well worthwhile keeping an eye out for this bird along the Foyle (John Kelly). Perhaps this same bird was reported at Blanket Nook this afternoon (Birdguides).

Yesterday, a seawatch at Bloody Foreland had Barnacle Geese  897, Brent 38, Red-throated Divers 10, Great Northern Divers 19, Sooty Shearwater 427, Manx 60, Leachs 2, Storm Petrels 1, Bonxie 80, Poms 11, Arctic Skuas 20, Sabines Gull 1,Arctic Tern 10, Auk sp 410 and Puffin 3 (Chris Ingram)

In County Louth, a Red backed Shrike was seen today at Cooley Point/ Templetown Beach North, in area of cover at end of small road to the left just before you come to templetown beach. (Gerry O'Neill)

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