
Bird News Thursday 31st October

The presumed returning drake American Wigeon was this morning at the mouth of the River Drowes, Tullaghan, near Bundoran, Co Leitrim (Seamus Feeney / Declan Skehan)

There were 3 snow bunting, 2 male and 1 female, on the summit of Slieve Donard today (James O'Neill)

4 Little Egrets were at the Floodgates, Newtownards this afternoon (Lindsay Hodges)
2 Peregrine and 3 Raven were at Carryduff (Ed O'Hara)

A female Long-tailed Duck, 4 Common Scoter, as adult Mediterranean Gull, 7 Red-throated Diver, 5 Whooper Swan and a Greenshank were at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).

2 Whooper Swan were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Andy Elliott)

A first-winter Mediterranean Gull was at Crawfordsburn beach (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to Neil Cartmill for this pic of a Shoveler, to Ed O'Hara for the Raven, Lindsay Hodges for the Buzzard and James O'Neil for the Snow Bunting. You can see more pics at

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