
Bird News Thursday 3rd October

A juvenile Rose-coloured Starling is on Tory Island (Tim Murphy)

 A Woodcock, 11 Snipe and 34 Lapwing were along Windmill Road at Aghnaleck.(Garry Wilkinson)

Aranmore Island, Co Donegal had a Wryneck, Yellow-Browed Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Snow Bunting (Robert Vaughan)

St John's Point from 8 - 9am had 20 Razorbills, 4 Guillemots, 6 Black Guillemots, 14 Gannets, 150 Kittiwakes (feeding), 1 Manx Shearwater, 5 Scoter, 1 Merlin, 400 Linnets, 200 Skylarks, 70 Starlings, 50 Lapwing, 100 Golden Plover. Kelly's Wood from 1-2pm had 1 Willow Warbler, 1Spotted Flycatcher, c.6 Goldcrests and 30 Swallows. (Chris Murphy).

A first-winter Mediterranean Gull, 2 Sandwich Tern and 38 Ringed Plover were at Brown's Bay on Island Magee (Cameron Moore)

There was no sign of the Crane at Myroe (Liam McCafferty)
Our thanks to David Morrow for the pic below of two young House Martins at the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, still being fed by their parents on the 2nd October! Also thanks to Liam McCafferty for the Buzzard pic. You can see more pics at

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