
Bird News Friday 15th November

An immature Golden Oriole was at the north side of the Comber Estuary at Island Hill this afternoon (Stefan Greif and Tessa Cappelle)

The Spoonbill was still at the mud flats at Castle Espie this afternoon (Paul Scott/Brian Murphy?Chris Henry/Joe Lamont)

An immature White Tailed Eagle with blue and white tags was at the west end of Lower Lough Erne Co. Fermanagh today, also present were 2 Great Northern Diver. (Fionnbarr Cross).

A female Blackcap was in a garden in Brunswick Road in Bangor this morning. (Derek Polley).

3 Kingfishers, a pair of Bullfinch, Treecreeper, Goldcrest, 6 Jay and a flock of Long-tailed Tits were along the River Bann at Portglenone. (John Loughlin).

2 Crossbill and 25 Golden Plover were at Clabby Mountain, Co. Fermanagh this morning. (Colin Bell).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus harbour. At Larne Lough a Carrion Crow was at Mill Bay (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Chris Henry for the first three Spoonbill pictures, to Joe Lamont for the fourth and fifth pictures of the Spoonbill, to Lindsay Hodges for the picture of the Redpoll with the 'yellow cap' and to David Hill for the pictures of the Stonechat and the Grey Heron. You can see more NI bird pictures at


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