
Bird News Friday 22nd November

The male American Wigeon was still on the Leitrim side of the Drowse river mouth earlier (Brad Robson)

2 Great Northen Diver were off Monaghan Bank, Kircubbin, this morning; a Short-eared Owl was hunting Ballyquintin Point at dusk. (Keith Bennett)

A drake American Wigeon was at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh this evening. (Birdguides).

2 Long Tailed Ducks were on Portmore Lough this afternoon. (Amy Burns).

3 Jack Snipe were east of Tievenadarragh Wood between Drumaness and Loughinisland. (Richard Weyl).

A first-winter Iceland Gull and a Pink-footed Goose were at Corbally Dam near Portrush (Matthew Tickner).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus Harbour (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to today's photographers, to Noel Austin for the first Redwing picture and the Fieldfare picture, to Brian Hegarty for the second Redwing picture and to Cameron Moore for the picture of the Ring-billed Gull and the pictures of the Common Gull which has a Norwegian ring.

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