
Bird News Friday 29th November

The adult Spoonbill was seen again of Castle Espie this afternoon. (Birdguides).

Yesterday at Warrenpoint 9 Great Northern Divers were off shore and c400 Pied Wagtails roosted in Main Street. Today a Long-tailed Duck was close inshore. (Stephan Dunstan).

30 Pale-Bellied Brent, 50 Lapwings and 2 Curlew were at Ballyvester Beach, Millisle this afternoon. (David McCormick).

The Ring-billed Gull was still in Portrush today. (David Hill).

An adult Mediterranean Gull (a new bird with a green ring) was at Loughshore on the Antrim side of Belfast Lough (Gerard McGeehan).

Thanks to David Hill for the pictures of the Ring-billed Gull and the Purple Sandpiper.


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