
Bird News Friday 8th November

3 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 1st winter and a 2nd winter, were at Ballywalter, the 2nd winter had a red ring, number PNU0. See pictures below. 4 Purple Sandpiper were at Portavogie and 5 Sandwich Tern at Millisle (Stuart McKee).

A late Swallow was at Greencastle, Co. Down. (Joe Devlin).

A Little Egret was on the shore opposite the Prison Staff College, Millisle, 30 Teal were off shore and 10 Turnstone by the car-park. (Bert Montgomery).

A very high count of 22 Purple Sandpiper was along Seacliff Road in Bangor at high tide (George Henderson).

Thanks to Stuart McKee for the pictures of the American Golden Plover that was at Kirkiston recently and the 1st and 2nd winter Mediterranean Gulls at Ballywalter and to Alex Coroliu for the picture of the Dunlin and Ringed Plover.


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