
Bird News Monday 11th November.

At Strangford Lough a Spoonbill was along the shore opposite the entrance to Mount Stewart (Billy Miskelly) at 11am.

520 Whooper Swan and 4 Greenland White-fronted Geese were at Myroe Levels (Stuart McKee).

320 Whooper Swan where seen at Islandhill this afternoon.(Chris Shaw)

St Johns Pt. 3 Brent Geese, 1 Red-throated Diver, 1 Merlin, 300 Lapwings. Also a Lesser-blacked Gull with flesh-coloured legs.
Killough garden: unusually, flock of 20 Linnets with a few Goldfinches.(Chris and Tim Murphy)

Our thanks to David McCormick for this picture of Brent Geese on Strangford Lough, also to Ed O'Hara for this fine shot of a Buzzard.


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