
Bird News Monday 25th November

At Lough Foyle 43 Slavonian Grebe, 31 Red-throated Diver, 7 Great Northern Diver and 6 Little Egret were between Longfield and Myroe. A Twite, 2 Long-tailed Duck and 14 Common Scoter were at Longfield and 2 Snow Bunting, a Pink-footed Goose and a Chiffchaff at Donnybrewer (Matthew Tickner, Gareth Bareham)

Up to 3,700 Eider were feeding in Belfast Lough. Usually out in the middle of the Lough they were off the North Foreshore towards Dargan Bay (Stuart McKee, Karl Hamilton). 6 Wigeon, 14 Common Scoter and 107 Red-breasted Merganser were off the North Foreshore and the adult Mediterranean Gull was still at Loughshore (Stuart McKee).

Thanks to Alex Coroliu for these pictures of a Black-headed Gull and a Cormorant.


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