
Bird News Saturday 16th November

The Golden Oriole was well looked for but was not seen throughout the day.
This is the twelfth record , most of the records were in the late 19th and early 20th century the last being in 1957.

The Spoonbill was still off Castle Espie (Keith Bennett / Gerard McGeehan)

10 Red Grouse and a Peregrine were at Agnew's Hill.(S. Greif)

100 Tree Sparrows in a garden at Richhill (Andrew Poots)

A Long-tailed Duck was at Ballyhalbert. (R.Weyl)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was still at Loughshore. Up to 1,000 Golden Plover were in flight high over Islandhill (Stuart McKee).

A Merlin was also in the Islandhill area.(Eric Randall \ Rian Foley)

An adult Little Gull was at Kinnegar Pool and a Carrion Crow perched nearby outside B&Q (Norman Milligan).

Rea's Wood, Lough shore, Antrim, Saturday morning. 24 Whooper Swans,16 Tufted Duck,3 Goldcrests, 50+ Goldfinches,16+ Long- tailed Tits,30+ Chaffinches. (John Loughlin and Irene Miller)

Thanks for feedback on the 'yellow capped' Redpoll pictured by Lindsay Hodges. Chris Murphy says that from his experience with large flocks at Belvoir Park Forest over a 20 year period, the 'yellowpoll' is an uncommon colour variant of 1st winter and females, and not the result of pollen staining.  Also according to Neville McKee, such birds are not unusual at this time of year on Copeland. 

Our thanks to Una McCarney for to-days pic off the SpoonbillAlso to Dick Glasgow for his wonderful shot of the Buzzard and Jay.

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