
Bird News Saturday 2nd November

A juvenile American Golden Plover was with c350 golden plover at Kirkiston, Co Down at 12.30.  Ballyquinton Point had a Great Skua,5 Sandwich Tern, 150 Golden Plover and 50 Gannet .(Richard Weyl)

2 very late Swallows were at the Rushmere Shopping Centre Craigavon (Karen Elliott)

A drake hybrid American x Eurasian Wigeon was at Castle Island, Quoile, from hide. (Keith Bennett)

A Little Gull was at Kinnegar shoreline, Belfast Harbour estate and 85 Whooper Swan at Derrytrasna Co. Armagh.(Ed O'Hara)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was off Macedon Point (Stuart McKee).

Brigg's Rock Co.Down had a fem. Long-tailed Duck, 1 Red-throated Diver and 5 Goldeneye.(Colin Guy)

A Carrion Crow was at Holywood Yacht Club (Wilton Farrelly)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for the Kestrel pic. Also to Noel Austin for the Whooper Swan and Ed O'Hara for the Little Gull.You can see more pics at


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