
Bird News Sunday 10th November

 20 Ravens were feeding on a Sheep Carcass at Maynooth Road, Richhill (Andrew Poots)

East of Crew Road (between Killough, Ardglass and Ballyhornan) various fields of stubble and wild bird cover held a total of c.100 Tree Sparrows, c.400 Skylarks,  c.400 Linnets  and small numbers of Mallard, Teal, Snipe, Yellowhammers, Reed Buntings and Stonechats as well as a family party of Whooper Swans (2 ads, 4 juvs), 2 Buzzards and 4 Ravens. (Chris Murphy)

The Little Egret was still at Portaferry (Nicholas Sanders)

A high count of 20 Grey Plover were off the Montgomery hide at Castle Espie (John Pyper, David Clarke)

A Wheatear was on the shore between Portavogie and Cloghy (Richard Weyl)

Whooper Swan was in flight at Kinnegar and an adult Mediterranean Gull at Loughshore (Stuart McKee)

Derrytrasna, Lough Neagh, Co. Armagh had Greenland Whitefront Geese, a Barnacle Goose, 22 Greylag Geese, 30+ Whooper Swan and a Kingfisher (Ed O'Hara)

A Little Egret was at Hazelbank (Billy Adams)

Thanks to Andrew Poots for the Raven pics, Comghal McQuillan for the Buzzard and Ed O'Hara for the Whirefronts:

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