
Bird News Friday 27th December

Oxford Island today had a Great Northern Diver, a Ruddy Duck, circa 1000 Pochard, 500 Tufted Duck, 20 Goldeneye, a Water Rail, 40 Whooper Swan and 4 Greylag Goose (Ed O'Hara)

Killybeggs had three Glaucous Gulls whilst St Johns Point had an Iceland Gull and a Little Auk. (Birdguides)

A male Merlin and a solitary juvenile Whooper Swan were in the River Bann adjacent to Portstewart Golf Club. Also a flock of Bramblings were around the NT hut/cafe Portstewart strand. (Peter Hough)

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for the pic of the Ruddy Duck:

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