
Bird News Saturday 21st December

A Pomarine Skua was seen at Burial Island,  Co Down at 11.30. (Richard Weyl)

The Grey Phalarope was still at Carnfunock (William Smiton)

An Iceland and a Glaucous Gull were at Greencastle Co Donegal (Birdguides)

At least 12 Great Northern Divers around Newcastle Harbour. (David Nixon)

The adult Mediteranean Gull and three Carrion Crow were at Crawfordsburn, Co Down (Wilton Farrelly)

3 Sandwich Tern were at Portaferry marina (Jack Foster)

Keep a look out for a Glossy Ibis. Birds have been seen in Donegal and Cavan in recent days!

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of a Turnstone and William Smiton for the Grey Phalarope:

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