
Bird News Saturday 7th December

Approx 25 Scoter flew south past Portmuck, Islandmagee. (Ian Enlander).

The American Wigeon was seen again at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh, 8 Goosander, 7 females and 1 male, were at Lough Island Reavey, 15 Buzzards were seen between Dublin and Oxford Island. (Jim Bowman/Ian Stevenson).

A Water Rail and 2 Kingfisher were in Kinnegoe Bay reed bed at Oxford Island, unusually a bat was also seen in flight. (Ed O'Hara).

A Peregrine and 5 Raven were at Benderg Bay, Killard. (Angus Kennedy).

A Green Sandpiper was at Ballykeel Reservoir along Upper Church Road above Holywood (Julian Greenwood).  

The juvenile Spoonbill was at the lime kiln at Castle Espie before flying back out to Strangford Lough. 3 Little Egret, 100 Pale-bellied Brent, 40 Whooper Swan and a Kingfisher were also noted (David Gillespie).  

In south Down a Peregrine was at Minerstown, a Kestrel and Great Northern Diver at Tyrella, 1,500 Golden Plover at Killough Harbour and a Jack Snipe at Kilclief. The 2 Long-tailed Duck were along the River Quoile near the visitors centre (Chris and Tim Murphy).   

2 adult Mediterranean Gull was at Loughshore in Belfast Lough (Stuart McKee).  

A fem/imm Goosander was along the River Main at Slaght near Ballymena (David Steele).  

A Little Egret was at Portmore Lough (Amy Burns).

Thanksto today's photographers, to Dick Glasgow for the picture of Tree Sparrows, to Angus Kennedy for the pictures of the Peregrine, the Little Egret and the Purple Sandpiper and to Ed O'Hara for the pictures of the Grey Heron and the day flying bat at Oxford Island. You can see more bird pics at



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