
Bird News Tuesday 10th December.

The Spoonbill has been seen again at Castle Espie and also a very late Sand Martin.(Birdguides)

A Water Rail was on the Deerfin Burn at the Ecos Park in Ballymena .(Jeff Larkin)

A 1st winter Med. Gull was at the waterworks in Belfast.(David Knight)

The 2 Long-tailed Duck were still along the River Quoile near the visitors centre. Also present were 18 Goldeneye, 11 Whooper Swan in flight, a Little Egret, 15 Teal and 40 Wigeon. 5 Little Egret, 100 Teal, 80 Wigeon and 16 Goldeneye were at Quoile Pondage (Tim Murphy).

Yesterday a Kingfisher was in flight at Glas-na-braden near Whitehouse in Belfast (Andy Elliott).

Our sincere thanks to David Knight for the picture of the Med.Gull  and also toTony Donaldson who sent in this picture of the two Long-tailed Duck which are currently on the Quoile river, this pic. was taken yesterday.

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