
Bird News Tuesday 24th December

A Slavonian Grebe was very close in off the town car park at Kircubbin. Also a large flock c400+ of Golden Plover was in a field beside kirkistown race track (Chris Henry)

There was no sign of the Grey Phalarope at Carnfunnock, yesterday nor today (Tom Ennis / Robert McDowell)

2 Jack Snipe were at Church Island at Lough Beg and 6 Ruff at Mullagh (David Steele)

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus Harbour (Warren Fowles)

Blackcaps continue to be seen in gardens with a male in south Belfast (Clive Mellon) and a female in East Belfast (Wilton Farrelly)

The Pectoral Sandpiper was still at Ardmore Point, Lough Neagh (Birdguides)

Thanks to Robert McDowell for this pic of a Turnstone and Kevin Kirkham-brown for the male Sparrowhawk:

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