
Bird News Friday 17th January

4 female and 1 male Goosander were still at Lough Island Reevy this afternoon. (Adam McClure).

50 Redwing were feeding in Wallace Park, Lisburn early this afternoon. (Suzanne Belshaw).

A Green Sandpiper flew off from flooded field ay Ardilea Road, Dundrum inner bay at 3pm. (Ronnie Milligan).

60 Crossbill were at Banagher Forest. (David Steele).

An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Castlerock. (Birdguides).

2 Brambling are visiting a garden in Kinedar Crescent of the Belmont Road in Belfast. (Philip West).

Thanks to today's photographers, to David Cassells for the picture of the male Blackcap in his garden, to David McCormick for the picture of the Brent Geese in Millisle, to Christine Cunningham for the picture of the Collared Dove, to Tom McCreery for the picture of the Redpoll, to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the 2 Sparrowhawks together and to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Jay and the Red Squirrel. You can see more NI bird pictures at 




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