
Bird News Monday 20th January

The Pacific Diver was showing well at Lough Fea this morning. (Joe Devlin/Clifford Sharpe). See previous post / pics. The bird was present to Dusk (Chris Murphy). It is believed that the bird has been present for at least 10 days.

5 Twite were showing well at south end of Tyrella Beach. 13 Long-tailed Ducks were with the large Scoter and Grebe flock, off shore at Murlough. (David Nixon).

News for yesterday was that on the River Bann at Portglenone was a Great Spotted Woodpecker and Kingfisher (John Loughlin and Irene Miller).

 The Glossy Ibis was on the south side of Ballycarry Bridge (Jeff Larkin).  

2 Sandwich Tern were at Killyleagh (Spencer Marshall).   

200 Pied Wagtail were roosting in trees again outside Iceland in Bridge Street in Belfast (David Clarke).

In south Down 3 Pink-footed Geese were with 112 Greylag at the Quoile Pondage. 6 Goosander (2 of them adult male) were at Lough Island Reavy and 7 Purple Sandpiper at Newcastle (Gerard McGeehan).   

Thanks to today's photographers, to Chris Murphy for the first Pacific Diver picture, to Joe Devlin for the rest of the pictures of the Pacific Diver, to Stephen Foster for the picture of the Carrickfergus Ring-billed Gull, to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Sparrowhawk and the Jay and to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the Reed Bunting and the Stonechat:




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