
Bird News Saturday 25th January

The Pacific Diver was still at Lough Fea up until 16.45.  ( Our thanks to everyone who kindly reported bird to-day. ). A Matin camera accessory cover was found by a fellow birder at the site to-day, if you lost it contact the blog.

An Iceland Gull was at Larne outfall (Joe Lamont)

Ballyquintin Point, Co Down had 2 Short-eared Owl.  Portavogie had a 1st year Glaucous Gull and 3 Jack Snipe. (Richard Weyl)

The first winter Glaucous Gull was still at East Strand Car Park, Portrush (John Clarke)

The Ring-billed Gull was still at  Carrickfergus harbour and a Med Gull off Kilroot outfall (Birdguides)

In the Mournes, 3 Snow Bunting were at the summit of Slieve Commedagh this morning. (Matthew Scott)

The drake American Wigeon was still at the mouth of the River Drowse, Co Leitrim (Wilton Farrelly)

The blog team would like to thank everyone who kindly make time to send in their sightings, your efforts benefit the wide birding committee and it is down to all of you that the blog continues to grow on a weekly basis.

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for the pic. of the ever popular Pacific Diver. Also to John Clarke for the picture of the Portrush Glaucous Gull: Lindsay Hodges for the Redwing.



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