
Bird News Sunday 12th January

A Blue phase Snow Goose (or possibly a hybrid?) is at Church Bay, Larne Lough (Cameron Moore / Keith Glasgow)

The Ring-necked Duck was still showing at Oxford Island.(Ed O'Hara)
Two 1st winter Glaucous Gulls  were at Corbally Reservoir Portrush (one possibly the bird from the East Strand - it was absent earlier) Also present was a 1st winter Mediterranean Gull (Colin Guy)

A total of 5 Great Northern Diver were in and around Newcastle Harbour (Kevin Kirkham-Brown)

Kinnego Bay at Oxford Island had a male and 2 female Ruddy Duck swimming with the large flock of Pochard.  2 Redwing on the grass near the Discovery Centre (John Loughlin and Irene Miller).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was on Strangford Lough at the Mount Stewart Estate. (Thom Shannon).

A note for your dairy...

The Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group are holding a conference on Saturday 8th March 2014 at Oxford Island and welcome everyone (young and old!) with an interest in monitoring raptors in Northern Ireland. The conference will demonstrate what the NIRSG are all about and why we need to monitor birds of prey. We will hear talks from people involved in raptor monitoring, and show how you can get involved. The conference will cost £10, payable at the door, and tea, coffee and a buffet lunch will be provided. More details, including an abstract of speakers, will be distributed in due course. Places are limited so if you are interested in attending please contact the raptor officer at, and spread the word!

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pic of the Snow Goose / Snow Goose hybrid and Christine Cassidy for the Barnacle Geese from Malin Head and the beached Guillemot: Also to Cecil Smyth for the Mistle Thrush. 


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