
Bird News Sunday 19th January

A Pacific Diver was at Lough Fea, County Tyrone (Elaione Warnock). See separate post.

A Glossy Ibis is at Forty Acre Bay, just past Ballycarry, Larne Lough. It was in a field opposite Patton's Saddlery on the main Larne line just before 40 Acre Bay (Cameron Moore, Nigel Smith, Crystal McClean and Gerard McGeehan)

A Great-spotted Woodpecker was at the Tollymore Centre, Co Down. (Adam McClure)

A Glossy Ibis was reported from Downpatrick Marsh yesterday morning. (per Shane Wolsely).

 The juvenile Spoonbill was south of Horse Island in Strangford Lough (Dot Blakely).

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus (Paul McCullogh)

Thanks to today's photographers, to Cameron Moore for the picture of the Glossy Ibis from Larne Lough, to Christine Cassidy for this pic of a Peregrine, to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Tree Sparrow and the ringed Redpoll, to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the male and female Blackcaps and the Sparrowhawk, to Karl Martin for the pictures of the Treecreeper and the Sparrowhawk in flight and to David McCormick for the picture of the Shag:

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