
Bird News Sunday 5th January

At last a Glossy Ibis in NI this winter, following a recent influx into the UK and Ireland. A bird has been found at Knockninny Refuge, Upper Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh in a flooded field opposite the Mummer's centre. This is the 2nd county record (Brad Robson)

30 - 40 Fieldfare were in a field at Roughfort, Mallusk. (Jim McKeown)

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at Carrickfergus Harbour (Adam McClure)

At Ballyquintin Point were 2 Great Skua, 4 Sandwich Tern, 4 Great-northern Diver, 4 Common Scoter, a Gannet and a Shoveler. (Richard Weyl)

Late news for yesterday was that 87 Whooper Swans were in the Caledon area (Matthew Scott)

An unidentified raptor was seen today at Oxford Island by Ed O'Hara and Comghal McQuillan. Pictures of the bird are below and any feedback / comments would be welcome.

Thanks to Lilian Cummings for the pics of the Bar-tailed Godwits and the Black Guillemot, Matthew Scott for the Whoopers and Ed O'Hara and Comghal McQuillan for the raptor pics. You can see more pics at

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