
Bird News Thursday 2nd January

A male Ring-necked Duck was at Castleward,  Templewater Co.Down.(Birdguides)

The Spoonbill was still at Castle Espie and a Blackcap coming to feeders there. 130 Whooper Swan were at Islandhill. 2 Sandwich Tern were at Cloghy Rocks and a Greenshank at Kilclief. 15/20 Kittiwake were in in Strangford Narrows seen from the ferry (Derek Polley)

A Slavonian Grebe was close inshore at the turn in road north of the RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve at 11.30 (Stephen Drake)

A first winter Glaucous Gull was at Waterfoot, Co Antrim (Neal Warnock)
An adult Iceland Gull was at Enniskillen tip, Co Fermanagh, a different individual from the one on 28th December (Brad Robson)

A Peregrine was at Academy Street at Cathedral Quarter in Belfast (David Clarke).

2 Woodcock were near Castledawson. In Donegal a juvenile intermediate Snow Goose was with the geese at Inch Levels. A male Smew was at Inch Lake and 500 Greenland White-fronted Geese and a Little Egret at Big Isle (Richard Gray).

The Goosander was still at Craigavon Balancing Lakes (Ed O'Hara)

If you have any notable bird news you wish to share, please email us at:

Our thanks to Dave Hill who kindly sent in  this pic of 5 Ringed Plover and lone Sanderling. Also to Angus Kennedy for the Wren.

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