
Bird News Thursday 30th January

The Pacific Diver was still at Lough Fea on the western shore (Christine Cassidy / Theo Campbell) see photo below.

A Pink-footed Goose was with 150 Greylag at the west end of Reedy Flat (Richard Gray)

The Glossy Ibis was at Larne Lough. It was at Steel's Point on the Island Magee side opposite the saddlery on the Larne side where it was originally found (Cameron Moore)

A flock of around 300 Barnacle Geese were in a field just to the north of Ardmillan, Co Down, this morning (Ron Price)

An Ivory Gull was found today at Cromane, Co Kerry (Seamus Enright)

Over the last couple of weeks we have had some truly wonderful images of Pacific Diver, arguably  the best ever in the Western Palearctic and below is no exception, the top image taken by Christine, the second by Tom McCreery...stunning.
Also thanks to Cameron Moore for the top Glossy Ibis pic and Cecil Smith for the lower one:

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